Gamification: The Contemporary Way to Engage Employees and Customers

Gamification: The Contemporary Way to Engage Employees and Customers In today’s competitive business landscape, engaging customers and motivating employees are key challenges that every organization faces. One innovative solution gaining traction across industries is gamification – the strategic use of game design principles in non-game contexts. But what exactly is gamification, and how can it…

FMRS 2023 – ”Navigating the Digital Frontier: Entrepreneurship, Politics, and Strategy”

FMRS 2023 – ”Navigating the Digital Frontier: Entrepreneurship, Politics, and Strategy” The Romanian-American University invites you to FMRS 2023 – ”Navigating the Digital Frontier: Entrepreneurship, Politics, and Strategy”, that will take place on 4th of May 2023, between 1 PM and 4 PM, in Bucharest (140 Dacia Blvd., 2nd district). There is no need to describe the many…

Conferința științifică internațională “Reshaping Education through Education and Technology”, ediția a II-a

Conferința științifică internațională “Reshaping Education through Education and Technology”, ediția a II-a În perioada 23 – 24 septembrie 2022, Universitatea Româno-Americană a organizat, împreună cu Universitatea Babeș Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca, Nagaoka University of Technology din Japonia și Ambasada Japoniei în România, cea de-a doua ediție a conferinței științifice internaționale “Reshaping Education through Education and Technology”.…