Research Centers

General Director: Professor Alexandru Pîrjan, PhD, habil

Scientific Director: Professor George Căruțașu, PhD, habil

Field of activity: Social Sciences – Computer Science for Economics and Information Technology


Mission and directions of action

The mission of the URA-INFORTIS research center consists in:

  • Development of theoretical and applied scientific research activities;
  • Providing consultancy in the field of economic processes;
  • Informing the scientific community on the research results, under the conditions imposed by the contract, by organizing and participating in national scientific events and with international participation;
  • Achieving the closest possible cooperation with the national and international community of scientific research excellence.

The main directions of action of the center are:

  • Formation of specialized research teams, which interact in order to achieve the objectives of some contracts;
  • Research orientation towards covering some priority areas in accordance with the documents elaborated by the competent institutions (CNCSIS, European Commission etc.);
  • Creation and development of a database necessary for consulting in various economic processes;
  • Streamlining the research activity in order to create a good reputation in the case of similar entities existing at national/international level;
  • Increasing the relevance of scientific activity, of the visibility of the research act at international level, and as a first stage of this process, the Center aims to amplify/accentuate the transfer of managerial know-how from the USA and from the developed countries of the European Union in Romania.


Contact persons:

General Director: Professor Alexandru Pîrjan, PhD, habil

[email protected]

Scientific Director: Professor George Căruțașu, PhD, habil

[email protected]

Center director: Professor Tudor Edu, PhD

Honorary director: Professor Moisă Altăr, PhD

Field of activity: Social sciences – Economic sciences, Management-Marketing


Mission and directions of action

The Center for Economic Research of the Romanian-American University has as its central objective the support of research excellence. The center has two main directions of action: the creation of top-level scientific articles, and the organization of conferences and scientific events and events with the business environment.

The research activities within the center focus on: Monetary and fiscal policy; Economic growth and development; Digital marketing; Social responsibility; Consumer behavior.


Contact person:

Professor Tudor Edu, PhD

[email protected]

Center director: Professor Bogdan Glăvan, PhD

Field of activity: Social sciences – Political economy


Mission and directions of action

“Murray Rothbard” Center for Political Economy and Business aims at offering research and educational services in the field of economy and public policies, from the perspective of the Austrian School of Economy. The aim of the center is to cultivate an intellectual climate favoring free initiative and overall increase of welfare. Thus, the center encourages the development of economic research, with the purpose of defending market economy, private property and healthy currencies.

The center develops its activity based on the following objectives:

  • Providing a specialized material basis for the unfolding of teaching and research activities;
  • Providing the framework for the dissemination of updated information, related to the economic and political evolution, on world level;
  • Continuous improvement of experienced researchers;
  • Institutional support for the development and training of elites, among the younger generation, of students, graduates and postgraduates, as well as training of the young generation, for high level research;
  • Dissemination of the scientific research programs results, unfolded on national and international level, by attending conferences and publication in acknowledged national journals, as well as in the international ones.

The main directions of action of the center are:

  • Organizing conferences, debates, seminars and short-term courses;
  • Developing studies, research, analyses and reports, necessary for the business environment and public institutions, on issues of major interest;
  • Providing consultancy for the public and private sector;
  • Editing of a scientific journal in English, for the dissemination of the research results of the Romanian and foreign researchers, who feel inspired by the Austrian School;
  • Editing of an economic analysis bulletin, to discuss the economic evolution of Romania and analyze the economic problems of national interest;
  • Creating a website able to offer bibliography, documentation (audio and video), research instruments, editorials and an online educational platform;
  • The creation of a library, in order to facilitate students’ and researchers’’ access to fundamental works of the Austrian School of Economy;
  • Developing the collaboration between Romanian economists and researchers in the tradition of the Austrian School, through meetings within a permanent national association;
  • Encouraging students’ scientific research through the organization of competitions, summers schools, round tables and workshops;
  • Seminars, for the promotion of economic thinking among high school students;
  • Granting of scholarships and awards for eminent students in economic research;
  • Awarding the Henry Hazlitt prize to the journalist able to promote the cause of economic freedom;
  • Awarding the Carl Menger prize to the author of the best scientific article, able to develop the economic theory from the perspective of the Austrian School;

The activities organized by the Center are also attended by other teachers and researchers from the other faculties within the Romanian-American University, as well as from other university centers and institutes in Romania and abroad.


Contact persons

Professor Bogdan Glăvan, PhD

[email protected]

Dr. Alexandru Butiseacă

[email protected]

Coordinator: Silvia Tăbușcă, PhD

Field of action: Social sciences – Legal sciences

Mission and Directions for Action

The Center for Human Rights and Migration (CDOM) operates as a practical educational and research center, working with law students involved in 4 legal clinics, and cooperating in international scientific research projects. CDOM is a member of the prestigious “OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions”.

The areas of interest covered by the Center are:

  • human rights (rights of children, women, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities) and migration;
  • organized crime (trafficking in human beings, smuggling of migrants, forestry crime, environmental crime);
  • corruption (the rule of law, impunity, confiscation and social reuse of assets);
  • cybercrime;
  • misinformation in the online environment.


Lecturer Silvia Tăbușcă
 [email protected]

Executive director: Alexandru Tăbușcă, PhD Associate Professor
Scientific Director: Andrei Luchici, PhD Lecturer
Mission and objectives:
CSMI has as its object of activity the carrying out of activities in accordance with the following guidelines:
•    Asigurarea unui cadru suplimentar de colaborare științifică între cercetătorii din domeniile de interes ale centrului.
•    Dezvoltarea și întreținerea unor colective de cercetare interdisciplinară, în colaborare cu alte centre din cadrul universității, precum și din alte instituții naționale sau internaționale.
•    Identificarea și implementarea de colaborări cu firme comerciale în vederea valorificării potențialului de cercetare-dezvoltare.
•    Modernizarea activităților și infrastructurii laboratoarelor de cercetare-dezvoltare din cadrul universității.
•    Scriere, depunerea și implementarea de programe de cercetare (granturi), în cadrul competițiilor de profil la nivel național și internaționale.
•    Sprijinirea dezvoltării școlii doctorale a universității, prin sprijinirea temelor ce vor fi derulate la acest nivel și prin atragerea de doctoranzi/cercetători pe teme de interes pentru CSMI.
•    Organizarea de seminare/evenimente științifice pentru pregătirea studenților și personalului universității.
•    Diseminarea la nivel național și internațional a rezultatelor cercetărilor științifice.
•    Organizarea de cercuri științifice studențești.
•    Activități de editare de cărți/materiale de profil, reviste sau buletine de informare.
Contact person:
Executive director – Alexandru Tăbușcă, PhD Associate Professor / [email protected]