Tuition Fees and Finances

Application Fee:

50 EUR application fee will be paid before your file is processed by the Admissions Office. Romanian students should pay the fee in Romanian Lei (RON) at the official National Bank rate on the date of transaction.

There are two payment methods that you can choose from:

  1. Online payment through the admission platform using a bank card
  2. Make a transfer payment at a local bank. Please find the payment details here.

Tuition Fees

Foundation Year

2,900 EUR/year (scholarships of 600 EUR for first 10 applicants)

Bachelor Programmes

For EU/EEA nationals: 2,200 EUR/year (scholarships available)

For non-EU/EEA nationals: 2,900 EUR/year (scholarships available)

Master Programmes

For EU/EEA nationals: 2,400 EUR/year (scholarships available)

* ONLY for BMTA – For EU/EEA nationals:3,500 EUR/year

For non-EU/EEA nationals: 3,100 EUR/year (scholarships available)

* ONLY for BMTA – For non-EU/EEA nationals:4,200 EUR/year

100% of tuition fees is payable in advance after you receive the Letter of Acceptance in order for you to obtain the study visa. Please see Visa Application for more details. Romanian students should pay the fee in Romanian Lei (RON) at the official National Bank rate on the date of transaction.

Refund Policy: 

  • 100% refund of the Tuition Fee for one year  is due if visa was not obtained by the student (this information will be directly verifiable with the Romanian local Embassy or Consulate via official letter of visa rejection) – applicable only to non-EU/EEA nationals.
  • NO refund will be awarded in case the student fails to enroll for any other reasons than above.
  • Refunds will be processed within one month since the official documentation has been submitted to prove the validy of the refund.
  • Bank commissions and fees on all payments and refunds will be borne by the student.

Other Costs

During your stay in Romania you will incur other average total costs of around 350 – 450 EUR/month. These are estimated below for the average student life:

  • Accommodation: 100 – 250 EUR/month
  • Meals: 100 – 200 EUR/month
  • Recreational activities: 100 EUR/month
  • Public Transportation: 15 EUR/month
  • Books and School supplies: 300-500 EUR/year

Financial Help

Except for the scholarships (find out information about the scholarships here) the University does not offer any financial help towards these costs at the moment. Consequently, you will have to provide these financial means on your own or with the help of your family.

Part-time Jobs

International students can work part-time in Romania if they have the proof of a valid work permit. The usual student job salary is around 100 – 150 EUR/month for about 20 hours of work per week. Nevertheless, please note that obtaining a job in Romania without adequate knowledge of Romanian language would be difficult.

* The tuition fee for Business Management in Tourism & Aviation is higher due to additional benefits (e.g. IATA courses that are included).


Application Fee:

100 EUR application fee will be paid before your file is processed by the Admissions Office. The payment is done online through the admission platform, using a bank card.

Tuition Fees

  • Tuition Fee = 2,900 EUR/year

How to pay?

Romanian & EU/EEA students – the full payment of the tuition fee (within 5 days from being accepted)

Third country students – full payment within 5 days after obtaining the approval of the Ministry of Education, on the basis of the application for enrollment completed and signed by the student

Bachelor Programs (scholarships available):

  • Regular tuition fee for all applicants = 3,400 EUR/year
  • Early registration for the first academic year for registration before July 24th, 2024:: 2,700 EUR/1st year

How to pay?

1st year:

  • Romanian & EU/EEAfull payment of the tuition fee, within 5 days, from the display of the final results of the entrance examination, on the basis of the application for enrollment completed and signed by the student
  • Third country studentsfull payment within 5 days after obtaining the approval of the Ministry of Education

2nd and 3rd years (all students):

  • the full payment of the tuition fee until the 25th of September of the current calendar year, on the basis of the application for registration completed and signed by the student


  • 1st installment, 50% of the annual tuition fee, until the 25th of September of the current calendar year, on the basis of the application for registration completed and signed by the student, and 2nd installment, the reminder of 50% from the annual tuition fee by 15th of December of the current calendar year

Benefits included:

  • Scholarships based on academic performance – up to 1000 EUR for 10% of the students in each program
  • Discount for early registration in the first academic year
  • At least one international professor for courses included in the curriculum, in addition to numerous other guest courses with international professors, with free attendance from RAU students
  • Study trip – organized in the first year of studies (depending on the public health conditions), with the purpose to bring international students closer to the Romanian culture and help them better integrate in the RAU community
  • Internship in international companies – RAU gives students the possibility to have an internship in the 2nd year of studies (and whenever there are opportunities), in order to make sure students gain practical experience, besides the theoretical knowledge
  • Career counseling after graduation for all students interested to work in Romania
  • International exchange programs available all over the world
  • International activities in the campus (conferences, round tables, workshops, festivals, job fair, etc.)

Master Programs – except BMTA (scholarships available):

  • Regular tuition fee for all applicants = 3,600 EUR/year
  • Early registration for the first academic year for registration before July 24th, 2024 = 2,900 EUR/1st year

Master Programs – BMTA, includes IATA courses (scholarships available):

  • Regular tuition fee for all applicants = 4,700 EUR/year
  • Early registration for the first academic year for registration before July 25th, 2023 = 4,000 EUR/1st year

How to pay?

1st year:

  • Romanian & EU/EEA:
    • full payment of the tuition fee, within 5 days, from the display of the final results of the entrance examination, on the basis of the application for enrollment completed and signed by the student


  • 1st installment, 50% of the annual tuition fee, within 5 days, from the display of the final results of the entrance examination, on the basis of the application for enrollment completed and signed by the student and 2nd installment, the reminder 50% from the annual tuition fee until the 25th of September of the current calendar year
  • Third country students:
    • full payment of the tuition fee, within 5 days, from obtaining the approval of the Ministry of Education

2nd year (all students):

  • full payment of the tuition fee until the 25th of September of the current calendar year, on the basis of the application for registration completed and signed by the student


  • 1st installment, 50% of the annual tuition fee, until the 25th of September of the current calendar year, on the basis of the application for registration completed and signed by the student, and 2nd installment, the reminder of 50% from the annual tuition fee by 15th of December of the current calendar year

Benefits included:

  • Scholarships based on academic performance – up to 1000 EUR for 10% of the students in each program
  • Discount for early registration in the first academic year
  • At least one international professor for courses included in the curriculum, in addition to numerous other guest courses with international professors, with free attendance from RAU students
  • Study trip – organized in the first year of studies (depending on the public health conditions), with the purpose to bring international students closer to the Romanian culture and help them better integrate in the RAU community
  • Internship in international companies – RAU gives students the possibility to have an internship in the 2nd year of studies (and whenever there are opportunities), in order to make sure students gain practical experience, besides the theoretical knowledge
  • Career counseling after graduation for all students interested to work in Romania
  • International exchange programs available all over the world
  • International activities in the campus (conferences, round tables, workshops, festivals, job fair, etc.)
  • For BMTA studentstwo IATA courses (e.g. IATA Foundation in Travel & Tourism; IATA Travel & Tourism Consultant) included with the possibility to obtain certificates directly from Canada
  • For BMTA studentspossibility to obtain other certificates such as Aviation Security Awareness, Airline Security, Amadeus, Galileo

Fees for university services 2023-2024 – click here

All first-year students should use the admission platform to make the payment of their application and tuition fees.

Students in the 2nd of 3rd years will make the payment through the platform.

Students enrolled before the academic year 2020-2021 (inclusively) are kindly asked to check the details related to the tuition fees, here!


Refund Policy: 

  • 100% refund of the Tuition Fee for one year  is due if visa was not obtained by the student (this information will be directly verifiable with the Romanian local Embassy or Consulate via official letter of visa rejection) – applicable only to non-EU/EEA nationals.
  • NO refund will be awarded in case the student fails to enroll for any other reasons than above.
  • Refunds will be processed within one month since the official documentation has been submitted to prove the validy of the refund.
  • Bank commissions and fees on all payments and refunds will be borne by the student.

Other Costs

During your stay in Romania you will incur other average total costs of around 350 – 450 EUR/month. These are estimated below for the average student life:

  • Accommodation: 100 – 250 EUR/month
  • Meals: 100 – 200 EUR/month
  • Recreational activities: 100 EUR/month
  • Public Transportation: 15 EUR/month
  • Books and School supplies: 300-500 EUR/year

Financial Help

Except for the scholarships (find out information about the scholarships here) the University does not offer any financial help towards these costs at the moment. Consequently, you will have to provide these financial means on your own or with the help of your family.

Part-time Jobs

International students can work part-time in Romania if they have the proof of a valid work permit. The usual student job salary is around 100 – 150 EUR/month for about 20 hours of work per week. Nevertheless, please note that obtaining a job in Romania without adequate knowledge of Romanian language would be difficult.


100% of tuition fees is payable in advance after you receive the Letter of Acceptance in order for you to obtain the study visa. Please see Visa Application for more details. Romanian students should pay the fee in Romanian Lei (RON) at the official National Bank rate on the date of transaction.

  • În cazul retragerii din facultate sau exmatriculării taxa achitată nu se mai restituie.
  • Pentru examenele programate potrivit planurilor de învățământ, studenților nu li se percep taxe, cheltuielile fiind suportate din taxa anuală de studii.
  • Pentru fiecare examen nepromovat (prin absentare sau notare sub limita de absolvire a disciplinei respective) și susținut în sesiunile de restante sau de reexaminări, precum și pentru examenele de diferența sau din anii suplimentari, studenții plătesc o taxa în cuantumul stabilit de către Senatul Universității.
  • Pentru studenții străini, studenții cu dublă cetățenie sau studenții români cu domiciliul stabil în altă țară, taxele de studii sunt stabilite potrivit reglementărilor legale în vigoare de către ministerul de resort, în EURO sau în LEI.

Cu excepția studenților care primesc scrisoarea de acceptare la studii cu taxa de studii stabilită în valută, toate taxele se achita în LEI la cursul BNR al zilei.