President of RAU’s Senate Welcoming Message

“In an increasingly dynamic society, in which the challenges are multiple and diverse, our mission, both as a university and as people – especially for us, those who have considered education as our calling and profession alike – is to turn these challenges into opportunities.

We believe that the primary role and goal of an academic entity is to educate, in the broad sense of this term, not just to provide the chance for an appropriate training process in one field or another. Our main aim is to provide society with graduates fully aware of their responsibilities, both in the professions they have chosen and in society, where there is a growing need for involvement, on multifold levels.

We represent a school based on fundamental values whose perenniality can never be questioned by anyone and it is in our power to pass on, to the new generations, such an approach, aware and convinced that the intelligence, energy and creativity of these young people today will bear fruit over time, enriching these values, adapting them to the times to come and transferring them, in turn, to future generations.

The opening of the Romanian-American University both to the international environment and to employers or society, is at this stage the element that best defines us and we invite all those who resonate with such an educational model, to become our partners, in every possible way, to build together and share our experience or achievements.”

Prof.univ.dr. Ovidiu FOLCUȚ
Ovidiu Folcuț Ph.D. Professor (2020-present)
Rector of the Romanian-American University (2008-2020)

Members of the University Senate