Email: [email protected]
Short description:
- Daniela Zirra has graduated The Faculty of Management of Bucharest University of Economic Studies in 1996.
- She holds an MA Degree in “Management of Human Resources” since 1997.
- She holds a PhD Degree in Economics since 2007 and a Certificate of post-doctoral studies in “Economics from the National Institute of Economic Research of The Romanian Academy”. She is Professor in Romanian-American University, teaching “Investment Efficiency”, “Project Management”, and “Microeconomics for Business and Finance”.
- Research directions have been addressed in various areas, such as the labor market, human resource development, and investment.
- Project manager or member in the project teams in 25 national and international research projects or grants.
- Visiting professor in European Universities.
- Authored or co-authored 38 books and 58 articles, in the areas of Economics, Investments and Project Management, published in reviewed journals or presented at international conferences.
- Different collaboration with business environment, as expert or trainer.
Member of professional associations/organizations:
- General Association of Romanian Economists
- Romanian Economic Society
Fields of interest/research:
- Labor market, Human resources, Investments, Project management
- Hiking, reading, music