Asist.univ.dr. GRIGORESCU IOANA GABRIELA Email: [email protected] Scurtă descriere: 2007 – Absolventă a Facultății de Studii Economice Europene din cadrul Universității Româno-Americane, București. 2015 – Doctor în științe economice. În prezent activează ca asistent universitar în cadrul Facultății de Informatică Managerială și este membru în consiliul departamentului „Comerț,Integrare Economică și Administrarea Afacerilor”. Membru în organizații/asociații profesionale:…


ZUCA MARILENA ROXANA, Ph.D. Associate Professor Email: [email protected] Short description: Associate Professor in Accounting, Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania,School of Domestic and International Business, Banking and Finance, Department of Finances, Credit, Accounting 2000 – present, Teaching and research activity, Higher education, Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania 2007, Ph.D. in accounting, Major ”Accounting and Audit”, Academy of Economic…


Lect.univ.dr. GHEORGHE CAMELIA MONICA Email: [email protected] Scurtă descriere: Gheorghe Camelia-Monica a absolvit Facultatea de Economia Turismului Intern și Internațional (ETII) în 2005 și programul de masterat ”Administrarea Afacerilor în Turism” în 2007, la Universitatea Româno-Americană. În urma finalizării studiilor Școlii Doctorale la Academia de Studii Economice din București, a obținut titlul de Doctor în Economie…


COCULESCU CRISTINA, Ph.D. Habil. Associate Professor Email: [email protected] Short description: Cristina COCULESCU graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics-Informatics of the University of Craiova, specialization Mathematics in 1996 and graduated from the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics of the Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest, specialization Cybernetic and Economic Forecast in 2002. She got…


POPA GHEORGHE, Ph.D. Professor Email: [email protected] Short description: Forensic Independent expert, authorized by Romanian Ministry of Justice, according to Government Ordinance no. 75/2000 regarding the organization of the forensic expertise activity, approved with modifications and completions by Law no. 488/2002, amended and supplemented by Law no. 156/2011. His has a remarkable research activity and expertise…


ȘENDRE DOINIȚA, Ph.D. Professor Email: [email protected] Short description: Șendre Doinița graduated from the Faculty of Management within the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies in 1995. She holds the title of Doctor of Management since 2004. She is a professor at the Faculty of Management-Marketing, the Department of Management-Marketing, having 12-year experience in the domain of…


MILITARU (PREDESCU) IULIANA, Ph.D. Associate Professor Email:  [email protected] Short description: Iuliana Militaru graduaded “Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Economics. She has a Bachelor degree in Finance and Banking (2000) and a Ph.D. degree in Economics from 2005. She is Associate Professor at “School of Business, Banking and Finance”, Romanian-American University, Department of Finance, Credit…


CRIȘAN DANIELA ALEXANDRA, Ph.D. Associate Professor Email: [email protected] Short description: Crișan Daniela Alexandra is full associate professor, PhD, at the School of Computer Science for Business Management. She has been teaching programming courses for Bachelor and Master degrees in RAU since 1997. She has been member in the research teams of more than 15 national…


CĂRUȚAȘU GEORGE, Ph.D. Habil. Professor Email: [email protected] Short description: GEORGE CARUȚAȘU graduated from the Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technology Systems at the POLITEHNICA University in Bucharest in 2001. He has held the title of Doctor of Industrial Engineering since 2005. He is a professor in the department of Informatics, Statistics and Mathematics within…


CRISTIAN ELENA RALUCA, Ph.D. Assistant lecturer Email: [email protected] Short description: Teaching assistant Ph.D. Motivating and teaching students for a better interactive activity. Different teaching methods in order to capture the student’s interest. Teaching seminars, practical laboratory projects at “Microeconomics and Macroeconomics”. Member of professional associations/organizations: – Fields of interest/research: Training, Research, Economics, Teaching, Public speaking…