Programe de Masterat

10% LOCURI FĂRĂ TAXĂ (la programele cu predare în limba română)
Sesiune Extraordinară de Admitere – SEPTEMBRIE 2024

Informații generale admitere

  • Înscrieri online ( » 17 septembrie 2024 (ora 16:00) – 26 septembrie 2024 (ora 12:00)
  • Înscrieri în campus » 17 – 26 septembrie 2024 (ora 12:00), conform programului:
    • Luni – Vineri » 09:00 – 14:00
  • Concurs de admitere » 27 septembrie 2024
  • Locuri scoase la concurs

Rezultatele admiterii se afișează în cel mult 2 zile calendaristice de la data susținerii concursului, la sediul Universității din București, Bdul. Expoziției, Nr.1B, sector 1 și pe pagina web instituțională, secțiunea dedicată.

Programul de studii universitare de masterat „Afaceri Internaționale” este organizat sub egida Facultății de Afaceri Internaționale.

Admiterea se face prin concurs, pe bază de eseu/proiect, cu luarea în considerare a mediei de la examenul de licență. Eseul/proiectul va fi elaborat conform tematicii de specialitate și cu respectarea structurii generale specifice programului de masterat:

The MSc in International Business and Entrepreneurship program is offered by the School of International Business. It is a two-year program that develops the students understanding of the global business environment and factors affecting entrepreneurial business decisions and improves the knowledge required for engaging in successful business start-up, business development and business internationalization.

The Admission Procedure will take into account (1) your Bachelor Exam Grade and (2) an Essay on a subject in the field of the master program.

Benefits included:

  • Scholarships based on academic performance – up to 1000 EUR for 5% of the students in each program
  • Discount for early registration in the first academic year
  • At least one international professor for courses included in the curriculum, in addition to numerous other guest courses with international professors, with free attendance from RAU students
  • Study trip – organized in the first year of studies (depending on the public health conditions), with the purpose to bring international students closer to the Romanian culture and help them better integrate in the RAU community
  • Internship in international companies – RAU gives students the possibility to have an internship in the 2nd year of studies (and whenever there are opportunities), in order to make sure students gain practical experience, besides the theoretical knowledge
  • Career counseling after graduation for all students interested to work in Romania
  • International exchange programs available all over the world
  • International activities in the campus (conferences, round tables, workshops, festivals, job fair, etc.)

The MSc in International Economic Relations & Economic Diplomacy program, offered by the School of International Business, is a versatile two-year program that deals with the various aspects of international economic and political organizations, correlated with the business environment. The program is focused on persons who wish to develop their international competences and know-how in international relations and economic diplomacy.

The Admission Procedure will take into account (1) your Bachelor Exam Grade and (2) an Essay on a subject in the field of the master program.

Benefits included:

  • Scholarships based on academic performance – up to 1000 EUR for 5% of the students in each program
  • Discount for early registration in the first academic year
  • At least one international professor for courses included in the curriculum, in addition to numerous other guest courses with international professors, with free attendance from RAU students
  • Study trip – organized in the first year of studies (depending on the public health conditions), with the purpose to bring international students closer to the Romanian culture and help them better integrate in the RAU community
  • Internship in international companies – RAU gives students the possibility to have an internship in the 2nd year of studies (and whenever there are opportunities), in order to make sure students gain practical experience, besides the theoretical knowledge
  • Career counseling after graduation for all students interested to work in Romania
  • International exchange programs available all over the world
  • International activities in the campus (conferences, round tables, workshops, festivals, job fair, etc.)

The MSc in International Economic Relations and European Union Studies (IEREUS) is offered as a Double Degree program by our School of International Business and CITY College, University of York Europe Campus.


The master program in International Economic Relations and European Union Studies provides students with knowledge and skills to work in fields such as economic diplomacy, international economic relations, European Union public policy, and global governance issues. It is based on four pillars: knowledge, skills, experience, and career opportunities. The program focuses on developing critical skills and understanding the complexity of international economic relations, preparing students for a wide range of career opportunities.


Click here for more information!

Programul de studii universitare de masterat „Științe Penale” este organizat sub egida Facultății de Drept.

Admiterea se face prin concurs, pe bază de eseu/proiect, cu luarea în considerare a mediei de la examenul de licență. Eseul/proiectul va fi elaborat conform tematicii de specialitate și cu respectarea structurii generale specifice programului de masterat:

Programul de studii universitare de masterat „FINANȚE ȘI TEHNOLOGII FINANCIARE (FINTECH)*” este organizat sub egida Facultății de Finanțe și Contabilitate.

Admiterea se face prin concurs, pe bază de eseu/proiect, cu luarea în considerare a mediei de la examenul de licență. Eseul/proiectul va fi elaborat conform tematicii de specialitate și cu respectarea structurii generale specifice programului de masterat:

Programul de studii universitare de masterat „Gestiunea și Auditul Afacerilor” este organizat sub egida Facultății de Finanțe și Contabilitate.

Admiterea se face prin concurs, pe bază de eseu/proiect, cu luarea în considerare a mediei de la examenul de licență. Eseul/proiectul va fi elaborat conform tematicii de specialitate și cu respectarea structurii generale specifice programului de masterat:

The MSc in Finance is offered as a Double Degree program by our School of Finance and Accounting  and University of Siena, from Italy. It is a two-year program that prepare students for a wide range of careers both inside and outside the financial industry, including financial engineering and risk management, quantitative asset management, macroeconomic and financial forecasting, quantitative trading and applied research.

The Admission Procedure will take into account (1) your Bachelor Exam Grade and (2) an Essay on a subject in the field of the master program.

Benefits included:

  • Scholarships based on academic performance – up to 1000 EUR for 5% of the students in each program
  • Discount for early registration in the first academic year
  • At least one international professor for courses included in the curriculum, in addition to numerous other guest courses with international professors, with free attendance from RAU students
  • Study trip – organized in the first year of studies (depending on the public health conditions), with the purpose to bring international students closer to the Romanian culture and help them better integrate in the RAU community
  • Internship in international companies – RAU gives students the possibility to have an internship in the 2nd year of studies (and whenever there are opportunities), in order to make sure students gain practical experience, besides the theoretical knowledge
  • Career counseling after graduation for all students interested to work in Romania
  • International exchange programs available all over the world
  • International activities in the campus (conferences, round tables, workshops, festivals, job fair, etc.)

Programul de studii universitare de masterat „Kinetoterapie, Recuperare și Agrement în Turism” este organizat sub egida Facultății de Educație Fizică, Sport și Kinetoterapie.

Admiterea se face prin concurs, pe bază de eseu/proiect, cu luarea în considerare a mediei de la examenul de licență. Eseul/proiectul va fi elaborat conform tematicii de specialitate și cu respectarea structurii generale specifice programului de masterat:

Programul de studii universitare de masterat „Performanță și Management în Sport” este organizat sub egida Facultății de Educație Fizică, Sport și Kinetoterapie.

Admiterea se face prin concurs, pe bază de eseu/proiect, cu luarea în considerare a mediei de la examenul de licență. Eseul/proiectul va fi elaborat conform tematicii de specialitate și cu respectarea structurii generale specifice programului de masterat:

Programul de studii universitare de masterat „Informatică Economică” este organizat sub egida Facultății de Informatică Managerială.

Admiterea se face prin concurs, pe bază de eseu/proiect, cu luarea în considerare a mediei de la examenul de licență. Eseul/proiectul va fi elaborat conform tematicii de specialitate și cu respectarea structurii generale specifice programului de masterat:

The MSc in Computer Science for Business program is offered by the School of Computer Science for Business Management. It is a two-year program that enhances the students’ professional and complementary abilities into global IT field, covering a wide range of subjects: computer networks, decision support systems, object oriented software development, databases, enterprise resource planning, business intelligence, web design, mobile device programming, artificial intelligence and project planning.

The Admission Procedure will take into account (1) your Bachelor Exam Grade and (2) an Essay on a subject in the field of the master program.

Benefits included:

  • Scholarships based on academic performance – up to 1000 EUR for 5% of the students in each program
  • Discount for early registration in the first academic year
  • At least one international professor for courses included in the curriculum, in addition to numerous other guest courses with international professors, with free attendance from RAU students
  • Study trip – organized in the first year of studies (depending on the public health conditions), with the purpose to bring international students closer to the Romanian culture and help them better integrate in the RAU community
  • Internship in international companies – RAU gives students the possibility to have an internship in the 2nd year of studies (and whenever there are opportunities), in order to make sure students gain practical experience, besides the theoretical knowledge
  • Career counseling after graduation for all students interested to work in Romania
  • International exchange programs available all over the world
  • International activities in the campus (conferences, round tables, workshops, festivals, job fair, etc.)

Programul de studii universitare de masterat „Managementul Strategic al Firmei” este organizat sub egida Facultății de Management – Marketing.

Admiterea se face prin concurs, pe bază de eseu/proiect, cu luarea în considerare a mediei de la examenul de licență. Eseul/proiectul va fi elaborat conform tematicii de specialitate și cu respectarea structurii generale specifice programului de masterat:

Programul de studii universitare de masterat „Managementul și Marketingul Organizației” este organizat sub egida Facultății de Management – Marketing.

Admiterea se face prin concurs, pe bază de eseu/proiect, cu luarea în considerare a mediei de la examenul de licență. Eseul/proiectul va fi elaborat conform tematicii de specialitate și cu respectarea structurii generale specifice programului de masterat:

Programul de studii universitare de masterat „Marketing în Afaceri” este organizat sub egida Facultății de Management – Marketing.

Admiterea se face prin concurs, pe bază de eseu/proiect, cu luarea în considerare a mediei de la examenul de licență. Eseul/proiectul va fi elaborat conform tematicii de specialitate și cu respectarea structurii generale specifice programului de masterat:

The MSc in Strategic Marketing is offered by the School of Management-Marketing, and is a two-year program. The knowledge attained in class and the skills developed in this program will render a better-informed and prepared individual to tackle a wide variety of marketing aspects, beginning with the market comprehension and targeting, continuing with positioning and ending with marketing metrics.

The Admission Procedure will take into account (1) your Bachelor Exam Grade and (2) an Essay on a subject in the field of the master program.

Benefits included:

  • Scholarships based on academic performance – up to 1000 EUR for 5% of the students in each program
  • Discount for early registration in the first academic year
  • At least one international professor for courses included in the curriculum, in addition to numerous other guest courses with international professors, with free attendance from RAU students
  • Study trip – organized in the first year of studies (depending on the public health conditions), with the purpose to bring international students closer to the Romanian culture and help them better integrate in the RAU community
  • Internship in international companies – RAU gives students the possibility to have an internship in the 2nd year of studies (and whenever there are opportunities), in order to make sure students gain practical experience, besides the theoretical knowledge
  • Career counseling after graduation for all students interested to work in Romania
  • International exchange programs available all over the world
  • International activities in the campus (conferences, round tables, workshops, festivals, job fair, etc.)

The MSc in Digital Marketing & Social Media is offered as a Double Degree program by our School of Management-Marketing and CITY College University of York Europe Campus.


The master program in Digital Marketing and Social Media focuses on specific communication channels in a strategic marketing context. The program balances theoretical knowledge and practical application in the field of digital marketing, marketing analysis, and social media marketing, preparing students for a successful career in this constantly evolving field. The program will be constantly updated based on the evolving market conditions and innovation in the digital and social media environment through embedded research and practitioner perspectives.


Click here for more information!

Programul de studii universitare de masterat „Finanțe, Bănci, Asigurări” este organizat sub egida Facultății de Relații Comerciale și Financiar – Bancare Interne și Internaționale.

Admiterea se face prin concurs, pe baza de eseu/proiect, cu luarea în considerare a mediei de la examenul de licență. Eseul/proiectul va fi elaborat conform tematicii de specialitate și cu respectarea structurii generale specifice programului de masterat:

Programul de studii universitare de masterat „Administrarea Afacerilor în Turism” este organizat sub egida Facultății de Turism și Managementul Ospitalității.

Admiterea se face prin concurs, pe bază de eseu/proiect, cu luarea în considerare a mediei de la examenul de licență. Eseul/proiectul va fi elaborat conform tematicii de specialitate și cu respectarea structurii generale specifice programului de masterat:

The MSc in Business Management in Tourism & Aviation program, offered by the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, is a two-year program focusing on developing specific and multidisciplinary competences, as well as cognitive and practical skills, taking into consideration the need for professional training in this field. The main objective of the program is to train professionals in tourism and aviation, regardless of their previous background.

The Admission Procedure will take into account (1) your Bachelor Exam Grade and (2) an Essay on a subject in the field of the master program.

Benefits included:

  • Scholarships based on academic performance – up to 1000 EUR for 5% of the students in each program
  • Discount for early registration in the first academic year
  • At least one international professor for courses included in the curriculum, in addition to numerous other guest courses with international professors, with free attendance from RAU students
  • Study trip – organized in the first year of studies (depending on the public health conditions), with the purpose to bring international students closer to the Romanian culture and help them better integrate in the RAU community
  • Internship in international companies – RAU gives students the possibility to have an internship in the 2nd year of studies (and whenever there are opportunities), in order to make sure students gain practical experience, besides the theoretical knowledge
  • Career counseling after graduation for all students interested to work in Romania
  • International exchange programs available all over the world
  • International activities in the campus (conferences, round tables, workshops, festivals, job fair, etc.)
  • Two IATA courses (e.g. IATA Foundation in Travel & Tourism; IATA Travel & Tourism Consultant) included with the possibility to obtain certificates directly from Canada
  • Two courses within the PPL flight license
  • Possibility to obtain other certificates such as Aviation Security Awareness, Airline Security, Amadeus, Galileo

Programul de studii universitare de masterat „Relații Economice Europene (SEE)” este organizat sub egida Facultății de Studii Economice Europene.

Admiterea se face prin concurs, pe baza de eseu/proiect, cu luarea în considerare a mediei de la examenul de licență. Eseul/proiectul va fi elaborat conform tematicii de specialitate și cu respectarea structurii generale specifice programului de masterat:

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